Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dealing with Dividers

Romans 16:17-18
17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

I pray that you take the time to look around you today and identify those in your life and in your church that tend to cause divisions. Be careful not to judge, and if these people are brothers and sisters in Christ you still have the responsibility to help them back on their feet. (See devotional, Strengthening the Weak - July 8).

Now that you have identified them, are you avoiding them? Wait a minute, how can I avoid them and still love them? How can I avoid them and still share the Gospel?

First of all, I don´t want to get too far away from the intent of this passage - beware of those who come in calling themselves Christians but are contrary to the doctrine and unity within the church. But, there are those around us who have called upon the Lord, yet have let the world influence their beliefs, their opinions, and their actions. So the best way to avoid these people is to not take part in their activities that cause divisions and do not take part in whatever they do that is against the Bible. What am I talking about? The biggest is gossip. That causes divisions even when the intent was not to. The other big one is when Biblical authority is questioned in light of present day cultures and standards (such as thoughts on divorce, premarital sex, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc...).

So, by you not taking part in activities that cause division or go against Biblical authority you are making a statement without arguing or confrontation. But, to the brother in Christ, you have a responsibility. You need to gently restore them, rebuke them as it may be. Are you loving your brother if you are allowing them to participate in destructive activities? WARNING!!! This is not an easy task. Make sure that you don´t fall into the same trap as they have. Make sure you are not hypocritical. Make sure you are approaching in love. Make sure you are confronting on the Father´s lead and not yours. Use your Bible for the correcting, not your feelings or opinions. II Tim 3:16-17. Don´t even consider approaching this person if you are compelled because you have differences in personality or opinion. If the Lord is not in it, havoc will ensue.

Why is it so important to watch and avoid then? The answer that Paul gives is straightforward answer: they want to serve their lusts instead of serving Christ. If you are around activities and opinions that are primarily self-serving, what going to happen to you? You will start serving self instead of Christ. Be careful, many people have fallen into the trap of serving self and disguising it with ¨Christian¨ activity: ¨...we need to pray for Brother So-and-so; he was seen in a restaraunt with a woman; his poor wife must be heart-broken. Lets pray for her, too.¨ You get the picture.

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