Monday, June 9, 2008

Driving Out the World

Judges 1

In light of Joshua 1, Judges 1 shows how well Israel did in carrying out the Lord's orders in taking possession of their inheritance.

Some of the inhabitants remained. Either they were powerful or stubborn, but they remained. Some, Israel put under subjection and forced them to serve Israel. But, in any case there was a long term effect that does unfold as the story of Israel plays out in the Old Testament.

What is that long-term effect? It's a slow corruption of who to worship. Israel does eventually start to worship foreign gods. Gods made by hand - empty idols. I'm sure at first there was no toleration for such worship. But eventually it was tolerated, and then it was practiced.

What of the world do we let remain in our lives? The Lord has given us total victory over the world, but yet we hang onto some of it. We think we might have it under subjection to serve us, but over time it corrupts us and it becomes our idol.

Read on to passages from Psalms and Romans today and take a hard look to see if anything has caused you not to live a life of righteousness in the Lord.

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